Both actors shade what could have been one-note performances with nice moments of depth that make the comedy even funnier - Rogen's Dale steps up and does the right thing on several occasions, while Franco's Saul shows glimmers of self-awareness and self-doubt through the thick haze of reefer smoke he lives in. Rogen is short-fused, irritated, and frustrated Franco is so laid back he's nearly in a coma. Pineapple Express has plenty of action and broad jokes (a car chase gone wrong is wildly funny), but it's the interplay between Rogen and Franco that makes the film truly worthwhile.

(An interesting aside: In a GQ article about Rogen, Pineapple Express producer Judd Apatow offered his own anti-pot take on the film, noting that he feels the movie "is clearly a story about how pot leads to Asian gangs trying to murder you.") Written by star Rogen and Evan Goldberg, who also wrote Superbad, Pineapple Express offers a similar blend of meatheaded male bonding and foulmouthed comedy of course, in Superbad, the teen heroes were facing humiliation and the opposite sex, not death and dismemberment. Imagine a Cheech and Chong film directed by Quentin Tarantino, and you'll have a general idea of the feel of the film. Wildly funny and completely inappropriate, PINEAPPLE EXPRESS combines ribald, marijuana-fueled comedy with action and violence. Which Side of History? How Technology Is Reshaping Democracy and Our Lives.Reflexionando sobre la historia afroamericana en familia.Reflecting on Black History as a Family.Teachers: Find the best edtech tools for your classroom with in-depth expert reviews.Check out new Common Sense Selections for games.10 tips for getting kids hooked on books.Family entertainment that celebrates and honors Black voices.Common Sense Selections for family entertainment.